
About the Author

Brent Kunnen

First of all- Welcome. This blog exists because I feel a calling and a burden to help edify the Church in America and abroad without being tied to just one. According to specific training- I am no one special. I don’t have Seminary training. What I do have is a Biblical Studies Minor from Kuyper College- formerly known as Reformed Bible College. I also have a background of being raised within Christian education, and growing up in the Christian Reformed Church North America.  Those who know me personally have referred to me- perhaps to early- as Pastor Kunnen.  Although I’m not convinced God has that specific role in mind- I have had a number of friends tell me I would make an excellent Pastor.

My interest for this blog eventually is to help guide Churches in the right direction by providing resources without the paywall, and offering depth of thought on the challenges facing the Church today. All of this will of course be imperfect, but I know there are Churches out there who could benefit from it none the less. Those who follow will find that I love learning from Church history. I will refer of course to some modern teachers- but a lot of what I will provide will come from older teachers. Part of the reason for this is that older resources come with less risk of copyright violations. The other reason is that a number of figures from Church history are the reason our doctrine looks as it does. There is nothing new under the sun, and we need to make a distinction between what is new to the individual believer, and new to Christianity itself. Anything new to Christianity itself should be raising alarms of false teaching.

We live in an age where it’s harder than ever to tell the difference between truth and error. Some of this is the times we live in, some of it is because of Biblical illiteracy within the Church.  As I said, this effort will be imperfect- but one thing helping the reader is that I will give you almost nothing that I believe is dependent on my own opinion- and you will be given ways to dig further if you wish.

This resource is primarily being dispersed through an email list that consists of friends, Pastors, and teachers that I’ve learned from in the past. As such, there are more than a few Pastors reading it, and Elders at my Church also receive it. This effort, and the content provided by it, is subject to feedback by those on the email list. Also, since I am under the shepherding of my local Church, (you know who you are), content is subject to their oversight. More broadly speaking, though I doubt it will ever be a factor, this content is subject to the oversight of synod of the CRCNA. Things can be taken down, and I will not get away with saying just anything I please. That in mind, this should not be viewed as an official outlet, from either my local Church, or the CRCNA.

This blog is meant specifically for those who identify as Christ followers. So the intent, and content, is not meant for non Christians. Sure I can’t prevent them from reading it, but they are not my focus. I’m not going to sugar coat this. God is defensible- but He does not need my defense. I will not tailor my message for those who have an agenda against Christianity, more often than not when I have gone there, nothing I say pleases them. I may get more into Christian Apologetics to defend the faith one day, particularly if people tell me they need it. Others have thoroughly covered the topic, and I don’t feel led to direct my efforts there right now.  Jesus is either the Cornerstone Christians build our lives on, or he is the rock others will stumble over Luke 20:17-18.

I affirm with J.P. Moreland-